Diesel engine parts and fuel injection pump manufacturers in China put into operation |
Sida tolerance precision machinery (Changshu) Co., Ltd. plans production in China used to pump some of the diesel engine parts and fuel injector. Sida resistance Changshu LIN Hao, general manager of the company (HowJitLim) that the company will begin the third quarter of this year to begin production of medium-and heavy-duty trucks used for the pump shell and camshafts. Lin did not disclose the two parts of the production figures. The company also intends to start the second half of 2009 from the production of diesel engines injector. He said that the injector will reach an annual capacity of 1 million. Changshu, Jiangsu company is to build a new factory covering 2,973 square meters. To meet the growing needs of customers, Sida resistant to the company in preparation for the next few years, the plant area of the plant will be expanded to 11,148 square meters. Lin said that Shell pumps will supply camshaft and Cummins companies in China and North America manufacturing plant. March this year, Cummins company headquartered in Beijing and the Beijing auto Futian Automobile Co. Ltd. have formed a corporate financing, production 2.8 liters and 3.8 liters of clean diesel engines. These engines will be installed in light commercial trucks, pickups, SUVs and SUV on. In addition to Cummins companies, Sida is also resistant to look for more domestic fuel injector customers. Sida resistance is headquartered in Connecticut, Windsor. Companies in Asia have built two plants, in addition to factories in China, another factory in India. |